Hic pietatis honos?

Hic tamen ille urbem Patavi sedesque locavit
Teucrorum, et genti nomen dedit, armaque fixit
Troia ; nunc placida compostus pace quiescit :
nos, tua progenies, caeli quibus adnuis arcem,
navibus (infandum!) amissis, unius ob iram
prodimur atque Italis longe disiungimur oris.
Hic pietatis honos ? Sic nos in sceptra reponis ?
Olli subridens hominum sator atque deorum,
voltu, quo caelum tempestatesque serenat,
oscula libavit natae, dehinc talia fatur :
‘Parce metu, Cytherea : manent immota tuorum
fata tibi ; cernes urbem et promissa Lavini
moenia, sublimemque feres ad sidera caeli
magnanimum Aenean ; neque me sententia vertit.

Here, nevertheless, that man established the city of Padua,
and a home for the Trojans, and to the people he gave a name,
and he hung up the arms of Troy, (and) now settled in tranquil peace he rests ;
(but) we, your children, to whom of heaven you allocate the citadel, with our ships lost
(unspeakable!) on account of one individual’s anger we are forsaken,
and from the shores of Italy we are separated by a long distance.
Is this the reward for piety ? Is this the way that us to power you restore ?
Smiling on her, the father of men and gods,
with the face with which the heavens and storms he calms,
he tasted a kiss from his daughter, and the spoke as follows,
“Spare yourself from fear, Cytherea : they remain unchanged,
the destinies of your offspring ; you will see the city and Lavinium’s promised walls,
and you will take up to the stars of heaven great-souled Aeneas ;
nor has an opinion changed me.

Virgil’s Aeneid, Book I.

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